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Ethics of Conservation Photography

Are you interested in Conservation Photography? Heard about the “Nurturing The Wild” Photography Competition and want to enter? Join us to learn more!

The ‘Ethics of Conservation Photography’ webinar is presented by world renowned nature photographer Geogina Steytler, Trinidadian photographer and author Faraaz Abdool and the campaign’s own director, Mark Gibson. This webinar introduces budding conservation photographers to the ethical concepts and practices of conservation photography, and is the 2nd in our conservation photography webinar series for the “Nurturing The Wild'' Photography Competition. The webinar will also detail the specific ethical guidelines of the competition. This webinar is recommending viewing for persons interested in entering the photo competition.

A Critically Endangered and Environmentally Sensitive Species, Trinidad Piping-guan or Pawi captured by Faraaz Abdool. This webinar will highlight the considerations and precautions you should take when capturing an image such as this. ©Faraaz Abdool

Your Presenters:

Geogina Steytler

Georgina is a world class nature photographer from Western Australia with a passion for birds, ethics and conservation. In 2018 she became the first Australian woman to win a category in ‘Wildlife Photographer of the Year,’ the world's foremost nature photography competition. Her other major achievements include Bird Photographer of the Year, Grand Prix Winner of EAAFP Waterbirds Photo Contest, Australian Photography Awards (Wildlife) and Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year.

See her work here

Mark Gibson

Mark Gibson is the volunteer director of the Nurture Nature Campaign and a criminologist specializing in wildlife trades. He is an avid amateur photographer whose experience includes documenting war crimes in Guatemala, the Sea Turtle Fishery in Latin America and the Wildlife Trade in T&T.

See his work here

Faraaz Abdool

Faraaz is a member of the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Status and Distribution Committee (TTBSDC), an acclaimed wildlife photographer, birding guide, safari agent, author of the book ‘Casual Birding in Trinidad and Tobago,’ and the manager of the “Nurturing the Wild” Photo Competition.

See his work here.

“Nurturing The Wild” Photography Competition

The webinar was originally hosted on Jan. 25, 2022 @ 8:00am AST on Zoom.

December 6

Introduction to the Competition

February 11

Monkeys Are Not Pets - 7 Reasons Why